Event Announcement

Welcome to AAUW Pennsylvania!

We are part of an impactful membership organization focused on advocating
for gender equity and economic security for women and girls for 143 years.

Our impact reaches well beyond our local communities and the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As of 2024, AAUW has given over $146
million in fellowships and grants to more than 14,000 women and nonprofit
organizations in fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and
Guam, as well as 150 countries worldwide. AAUW has one of the very
largest scholarship programs in the world.

Our Pennsylvania community-based branches are a critical part of our
organization. Members raise funds to support women and girls in their
communities, from Harrisburg to Bethlehem to Erie to Pittsburgh. Our impact is
felt across the state. We have 24 local branches and over 1,500 members–all
working to move AAUW’s mission forward.

If you would like to learn more about AAUW Pennsylvania or one of our
local branches, please email: aauwpa.president@gmail.com

If you would like to join us, please email: aauwpamembership@gmail.com

If you are already a member, thank you for all you do to support women
and girls and move our agenda forward. Your work and unwavering belief in
AAUW’s mission keeps us strong.

2026 Atlantic States Regional Conference Hosted by Pennsylvania

It’s time to start thinking about how you can help. We have plenty of jobs for
our members. While we have not determined the date or location yet, we
promise you will be the first to know! For now, the planning has begun and
that means we need your help.

Read this message to PA members

Write to: aauwpadiversity@gmail.com or aauwpa.president@gmail.com


AAUW PA members are invited to a Webinar Reproductive Rights: Where Do We Go From Here? presented by AAUW Silicon Valley Branch, featuring Emily Bazelon, New York Times journalist, Yale Law professor and research fellow, Political Gabfest co-host and author. Join AAUW California on Wed., Jan. 22, 2025 (ET 4:00 p.m.). Watch your email for a Zoom registration link!